Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Life should be filled with importance

" Life can be so empty and pointless unless you fill it. Like a pie without apples", said a comedian once. Funny and very true. Today we have "Fettisdag" a  Tuesday when we eat the swedish traditional Semla. So today you may eat or lot eat a Semla - it's all up to you. But if you eat one, please enjoy it and if not be happy anyway. The most important thing is that you fill your life with what is worth having and living for. But my main point today beside the eating or not eating of this delightful cake, is that who decides what your life or stomach should be full of!? Who dictates the rules!? And how come that people without knowing each other give comments on other adult peoples choses? Almost every day someone would like to discuss how thin they are or how fat they are and I'm forced to have an opinion about it. I'm asked to agree or disagree whether or not it's true or false, whether or not I want to. I try to not have that focus but it's kind of lonely on that road. I'm asked to talk it over, over and over again - an never ending f*cking boring story. You're not feeling OK and we should talk about it! So our lives should be full of this moralication, blaming and talks to give guilt about what's pretty, ugly, thin and fat. Unfortunately I'm not interested in those kind of discussions for many different reasons. Mostly I just want to have a deep more human view of myself and others. We never know the whole story about others and why should I have an opinion about your choses!? My body is my home/castle and I'm created unique, just like you. I want us to be loved for whom we are in the eyes of the Lord. I want you to be you, simply because I want to be me in mutual respect. But if you always would like to talk about who's ugly and who is beautiful in that way you stop me from focus on the bigger picture. You validate in a destroying way that makes us less than we could be. I would like us all to be more than our appearance and think that both less and more is right. Please can we change focus.